Friday, February 25, 2011

Fasting... to do or not to do?

i received this book from in excange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own. I receive no compensatioon from Booksneeze.

I requested this book because i have become increasingly aware of more christians practicing fasting as a form of worship or seeking growth in their alk with God. I have always been glad that this practice was ancient and no longer required of us.
In reading this book as a form of research, i found myself intrigued by how many variations there are within the Bible and how many misconceptions i had about fasting.
I trulty enjoyed learning more about Why the characters in the Bible fasted and ho that translates to our modern day expectations from fasting.
I have gained tremendous insight into the practice of fasting, and a desire to give it even more consideration.
All in all, a book i would recommend to anyone looking for an easy to read, scriptural, fact-filled book on the subject of fasting.