Friday, May 14, 2010

Mystically Wired


I just finished reading this book. There are a lot of good points in the book that would help a person to develop a stronger prayer life, and in turn a closer walk with God. However, there are a lot of ideas presented in the book that I feel would confuse a new christian and possibly even scare a spiritually immature christian. The book states inside the front cover that 'Prayer is a human instint, not an impossible chore.' While I love the sentiment behind that statement, the book relies on a lot of scientific data and extreme experiences to draw the conclusion that our brains are designed to pray to God. Several times I started thinking that the author was "too far out there" and wanted to put the book down. Since I was reading this to review for, that wasn't an option. Almost everytime I ended up coming across something new or helpful to me. There is an Appendix which outlines 10 Practices to Explore New Realms in Prayer as identified throughout the book.. This was perhaps the best portion of the book for me. I could find no fault in the suggestions given and agree wholeheartedly that practicing any of these 10 practices could lead to an enhancement of a person's prayer experience.

Overall, I found the book to be somewhat difficult to read, yet thought provoking. While I did not truly enjoy the reading, I can say that there is much to be learned from Ken Wilson and his approach to prayer.

This book was provided by Thomas Nelson Publishers and reviewed for